Firework Simulation
For my graduate-level graphics course CIS 5620: Computer Animation, I worked with the Houdini FX software in order to create a node-based, procedural firework simulation from scratch. This project served as my first time working with Houdini and VEX code. I thoroughly enjoyed experimenting with different physics, color, and particle settings in order to create the final animated product.
These were 2 main components of the dynamic simulation:
Split nodes
Group nodes
Collect nodes
Used Geometry network
Particle operator network
Shader operator network
These components were used to build a Firework Particle System which can be broken down as follows:
Created a particle emitter and system for the firework projectiles
Shell particles created using location node to represent pre-explosion fireworks
Particle groups used to collect the "dead" shell particles post-explosion and convert them into spark particles using POP Group and POP Replicate nodes
Applied physics to boost particle realism
Added air drag force to particles
Adjusted inherited impact velocity to spark particles mimic additive explosive force from shell particles velocities
Added variance to spark particles to reflect scale of explosion via the randomness and magnitude
Added trail of smoke to shell particles
Added POP Color node to apply color to particles
Rendered final simulation video using Mantra renderer