2D Animations
"Picture Day" (2022)
Harmony 22 - Toon Boon Animation / Adobe Premiere Pro
"Picture Day" is my longest short film to date. It centers around a girl struggling to figure out how she wants to present herself on the morning of school Picture Day.
"Cleanup Crew" (2022)
Harmony 22 - Toon Boon Animation / Adobe Premiere Pro
A 10 second dance clip using two simple household objects. This animation short follows the story of a peppy mop and their clumsy bucket partner.
Firework Simulation
Harmony 22 - Toon Boon Animation / Adobe Premiere Pro
Physical firework simulation featuring particle system dynamics and procedural graphics using Houdini.​
MoCap Data Animations
Motion Builder / Vicon Motion Capture / Shogun Live
Created 2 different computer animations using Autodesk Motion Builder. One was a cross blend of various actions recorded using motion capture software. The other was a key frame walk cycle animation.
3D Stylizer
Unity 3D / Universal Render Pipeline
Converted a 2D concept art piece into a 3D stylized scene in Unity via the Universal Render Pipeline. Implemented stylized procedural graphics techniques and non-physically-based real-time rendering workflows.